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Al-Rawda walkway .. It provides various necessary services from green spaces and sites designated for practicing different sports between walking and cycling, where the length of the walkway is 1500 m2.
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Airport Park is the largest park in the Asir region, it extends over an area of more than 125,000 square meters, and includes a group of vast green spaces, children’s play areas, a fountain in the middle of the garden, many walking paths, seating and picnic areas, and one of the most prominent elements of the airport park is a waterway with a length of up to 260 meters and three wooden bridges with amazing designs are distributed over it
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The park overlooks the city of Abha from the top with a panoramic view. It includes vast green spaces and various trees. Abu Khayal Park is located on the Abha Ring Belt, and there are cable cars that connect the park and the Green Mountain.